Landline: 04 430 7313
Landline: 04 430 7313
Landline: 04 430 7313

Security Guards

Security Guards (Male & Female):

“Dedicated to the safety and security of our clients’ and their assets, Eco Power Security provides comprehensive security solutions that surpass international standards.”

We provide high-quality manned security services with a focus on professionalism. Well-trained, alert and experienced security personnel are an indispensable asset to a sound risk Facility management strategy.

Our security services are respected and called upon by many leading blue chip and semi-state organisations across Dubai. 

Our unbeatable reputation for high levels of service and professionalism is built on a strong foundation across 5 critical elements: 

Eco Power Security is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy, safe and secure working environment for all its employees and any other person who may be affected by its activities. The Health & Safety Policy applies to all premises and activities within the control of Eco Power Security.

Eco Power Security is committed to:

Security Guards are put through a five-day comprehensive mandatory Security Guard’s Training Program by SIRA (Security Industry Regulatory Authority), the governing body for security companies in Dubai. All security guards that attend and pass the SIRA exam become qualified to work on any site in Dubai.

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